Time to get your blog on!

HOW I LEARNED TO STOP WORRYING AND LOVE THE BLOG This is my third blog. The other two I wrote when I could find thetime. That was almost ne...

18 Apr 2008 2862 Views


This is my third blog. The other two I wrote when I could find the time. That was almost never. My posts were sporadic. My excuse for not blogging was the same I hear from many of my clients: I was too busy doing my job.

My job, incidentally, is helping companies build strong global brands. In a blinding flash of the obvious I realized that blogging isn’t a sideline activity, it’s a vital part of my job. If you are a CEO with a vision or anyone who gives advice for a living, then I would argue it’s your job too.

Today, I’ve decided to stop trying to find time to blog and instead start making time to blog. Its the fastest way for me to distribute news and ideas that may help my clients and friends. Increasingly it will become the first place your clients or customers go to seek advice in your field. If you’re not there, you won’t be part of the conversation.

This blog is dedicated to CEO’s and senior management who have not received formal training in strategic marketing and brand development. My goal with this blog is to take the mystery out of brand building, marketing and web 2.0 with a common-sense approach to how these concepts apply to operations, profits and the growth of your business.

Today much of my work is helping my clients embrace and exploring the implications  of web 2.0 for their business. Blogging is a centralpart of that phenomenon. If you are not blogging yet, well at least your reading one. That’s a start. Blogging is a great way to engage your target audience and to facilitate them in accomplishing their goals.  Which, after all, is the reason your company exists in the first place, isn’t it?

If you would like some tips and advice to get started you’ll find plenty of help online. I can also recommend two books that helped me:
Naked Conversations by Robert Scoble and Shel Israel. An insightful introduction to the effects that blogs are having on business.
Blog Wild by Andy Wibbels is a practical, hands-on guide for getting your blog up and running.

Like this post? You'll find more marketing insights in my new book: International Brand Strategy: A guide to achieving global brand growth, now available from booksellers globally. Order your copy here.

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Sean Duffy | @brandranter
Speaker, consultant & founder of Duffy Agency, the flipped digital agency that provides accelerated growth to aspiring international brands.